Breaking Down Silo Attitudes

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Running Time: 8:19

Date: 01/11/2012

Hello! Is anyone talking to anyone else in your business?

Running a business can be so easy when things are going well, money's pouring in and everyone's happy. If only! Many of us know that business is seldom like that, it's always a challenge, and it doesn't take much to fall into a trough. When that happens, one dangerous repercussion is communication break-down. You know the scenario: you're so busy keeping the plates spinning that you haven't got time to let others know what's going on. And guess what happens then? Your employees think the worst, they become insecure, they stop trusting you or anyone else, and before you know it, no-one's talking to anyone else, everyone is in silo-mode and there's all-round communication shut-down. So warns Steve Casey, who has seen the results and whose specialist skills are regularly brought in to mend fences and build rapport and cooperation. He discusses the problem and the solutions and he starts with where the responsibility lies. Sorry, it's probably with you!

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Steve Casey, Hand Eye Communications