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Date: 01/10/2017

With just a few months to go before the end of the year, now might be a good time to take stock, reassess priorities and have one last burst of effort before everything and everyone slows down for the holidays.

There are still plenty of activities you can plan for, including lead generation. We speak with an expert in cold-calling, Ashleigh Hoult of The Promo Donna, and why she says it can be surprisingly effective now that a lot of companies have abandoned it. Bringing in new staff could be on your agenda, as we hear from recruiting expert, Luke Marshall of Amadeus Group, on the hiring of millennials.

Also this month, Graham Andrewartha returns with strong views on the way you plan for the future. Alison Shaw promotes the virtues of mediation in a legal dispute. Tax expert Michael Jones tells of the new legislation on limiting tax deductions for residential investment properties. Elio D'Amato of Lincoln Indicators provides his stocks to watch.

And we finish the program with Joel Gerschman, author of The Mindful Entrepreneur, and how you can grow your business without going crazy.

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