Courageous Leadership

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Running Time: 8:58

Date: 01/02/2013

If you want to inspire people around you to do their very best, talk to them honestly: become a Courageous Leader.

What does it take to become a leader who inspires the people around them, gets the best out of them and creates a high-performing business culture? Mandy Holloway, of consultancy firm Courageous Leaders, believes the answer is "courage": the courage to speak honestly and openly to employees and colleagues and encourage them to do the same. It might be all the harder when times are tough, because leaders won't want to disseminate bad news. But the alternative is rumour, uncertainty and discord, and that helps no-one. On the other hand, a readiness to challenge and be challenged, openly and honestly, can produce a culture which will succeed where others will fail.

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Mandy Holloway, Courageous Leaders