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Date: 01/02/2018

If your plans for 2018 include business growth, then it's best to concentrate on doing more of the right things and less of the wrong. BE regular, Alan Rodway, highlights some of the biggest mistakes in business and how to avoid them.

Also this month, Warren Howard of HowardCo has tips on finding the right people for your business. Patrice O'Brien of beyondblue looks at mental health issues and what you can do to manage them in your workplace. We hear from Ryan Steyn of Empower Construction on his innovative building business.

Tax expert Michael Jones examines the intricacies of estate planning, particularly when it comes to superannuation. Sebastian Salicru encourages collective leadership in the workplace.

And we finish the program with body language expert Diederik Gelderman, on how to detect a liar - something which might help save you from making the wrong choices in business relations.

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